Big concert for Leamington’s Rehab Hospital

MHLC-03-04-13 Concert donation Apr19
 Pictured from the left, Alison Seymour(GP managing the orchestra ) and John James (conductor)  Krishna Jenda (acting ward manager),Jeanett Ward (staff nurse) are  organising the Really Big Symphony Orchestra, which will consist of around 100 players and take place at All Saints' church in Leamington later this month. Proceeds will be donated to the brain injury unit under consturction in the back ground.MHLC-03-04-13 Concert donation Apr19
 Pictured from the left, Alison Seymour(GP managing the orchestra ) and John James (conductor)  Krishna Jenda (acting ward manager),Jeanett Ward (staff nurse) are  organising the Really Big Symphony Orchestra, which will consist of around 100 players and take place at All Saints' church in Leamington later this month. Proceeds will be donated to the brain injury unit under consturction in the back ground.
MHLC-03-04-13 Concert donation Apr19 Pictured from the left, Alison Seymour(GP managing the orchestra ) and John James (conductor) Krishna Jenda (acting ward manager),Jeanett Ward (staff nurse) are organising the Really Big Symphony Orchestra, which will consist of around 100 players and take place at All Saints' church in Leamington later this month. Proceeds will be donated to the brain injury unit under consturction in the back ground.
Musicians have chosen Leamington Rehabilitation’s hospital’s brain injury unit as its cause to support through a concert at Leamington’s parish church next Saturday (April 20) at 7.30pm.

The Really Big Symphony Orchestra, which will include around 100 performers, are playing works by Richard Strauss and Karol Szymanowski.

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