Rib-tickling spoof by Warwickshire village group

Starship Bloopers by Lighthorne Drama Group, Lighthorne village hall, December 6.

A CACKLING evil villain, a green human-eating monster and some cracking costumes and set design - this unashamedly silly spoof by Lighthorne Drama Group has most of the elements of a pantomime, yet presents a refreshing alternative to the usual formula.

Although neither spoofs nor science fiction are usually my preferred choice, last night’s show was a rib-tickler that ticked the boxes for those looking for a few hours of trouble-free fun.

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Encouraging the audience to embrace a ridiculous plot and stop taking themselves so seriously for an evening, the group takes us on a journey into outer space with Commander Veronica Valiant, Captain Ruck Bodgers and their crew as they battle the inter-galactic villain Evilix the Frightfully Nasty to save Planet Wahoogahooga from destruction.

While some delivery of lines lacked conviction and the comedy timing was in place not quite right, there was some splendidly entertaining acting - in particular by the delightedly camp Lieutenant Earplug (Rod Chaytor), the Wahoogahoogan Princess Lentil (Fiona Jones), whose heavy Brummy accent contrasts so much with her bizarre black-and-white Wahoogahoogan ensemble that it’s terribly funny - and of course, Evilix (Lynda Lewis), whose slight form in no way detracts from her frightful evilness, from which the audience takes much enjoyment.

A lot of time and creative efforts clearly went into making the out-of-this world costumes and set design and a fun, space-themed soundtrack provided plenty of tracks we could all hum along to.

The group is currently preparing to host a Midlands-wide drama festival, which will, next summer, showcase the talents of amateur dramatics group from across the region. To find out more, call 651239.

Sundari Cleal

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