We’re good, but not that good!

It was great that you featured the Peace Scarf knitters in a recent Courier, but we feel we ought to point out that we won’t have seven miles of scarf at the Peace Festival.

It’s going to take a nation of knitters to achieve that length, but the news is that Wool Against Weapons have already received 3.5 miles of knitted pieces.

Our Leamington contribution - however long it turns out to be - will be taken by some of our knitters to the Wool Agains Weapons event on August 9 (Nagasaki Day) to be joined up with all the other lengths that have been knitted across the country and which will hopefully reach from Aldermaston to Burghfield.

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We will be welcoming all knitters and their contributions to the knitting yurt at the Peace Festival and people can come along and knit a few rows on the day.

Judy Steele, on behalf of the Leamington Peace Scarf Knitters

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